Crowdbase Update April 2022
Frixos Larkos
Co-Founder & CEO
Crowdbase Progress
Welcome to the first iteration of our monthly newsletter!
Starting with the thing you care about the most, investing! We have a few very exciting projects in the pipeline that we are currently working with, both for equity and debt.
Rest assured; we are working hard on getting investment opportunities in front of you as soon as possible. However, we believe it’s more important to focus on the quality rather than the number of projects.
Although this might delay the launch of some campaigns, the benefit is that every single campaign on the platform will be a highly curated investment opportunity for our investors.
We plan to open investor registrations on the platform about 1 – 2 weeks before we launch our first campaigns, so keep an eye out for that through our social media pages.
In case you missed it…
Following our soft launch about three weeks ago, we opened our website to the public, as well as our social media platforms.
Our strategy, for now, is to concentrate more on producing educational content for you, as crowdfunding is something new for the Cypriot market, and we want to get you acquainted with it before you start investing.
The resources you can use to learn more about crowdfunding include our website, our blog, and our social media pages.
- What is Crowdfunding?
- What is Equity Crowdfunding?
- What is Debt Crowdfunding?
- Tax incentives for investing in innovative businesses.
Of course, if you have any suggestions or feedback for our content or any other matter really, please let us know by replying to this e-mail or through our contact us page.
Crowdbase at Future Talks
This week we were hosted by Future Talks, a podcast that aims to unveil the Cypriot and Cyprus-based innovation enablers, entrepreneurs and tech talent.
We had the opportunity to discuss with Michael Tyrimos about Crowdbase, the origination of the idea, our teams’ backgrounds, what we do, our vision, and many more topics.
Our episode will be uploaded soon here, sometime in the next few weeks (we’ll let you know through social media the exact date).
Blue Crowdfunding Symposium
In addition to our appearance on Future Talks this week, we had the chance to present our platform at the Blue Crowdfunding Symposium at Hilton Nicosia, organised by the European Crowdfunding Network and Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The aim of the Blue Crowdfunding Project is to spread information and knowledge about crowdfunding as such and as applied to the blue economy, in order to make it more accessible to the stakeholders involved.
It was an honour to have received an invitation to present, and hopefully, we can participate in many more events like this in the future.
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