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Frequently Asked Questions
Find the asnwers to the most commonly asked questions about Crowdbase and crowdfunding.
What is the minimum investment amount?
How does investment Crowdfunding work?
How much can I invest?
Why do you need my ID/Passport and proof of address?
Can I invest with physical cash?
What is crowdfunding?
What is a crowdfunding campaign?
Are crowdfunding platforms safe?
How does crowdfunding work?
What is equity crowdfunding?
What is debt crowdfunding?
What happens when a crowdfunding campaign fails?
Is investing in startups risky?
What are shares of common or preferred stock?
Who regulates crowdfunding platforms and Crowdbase?
Who can invest?
Does Crowdbase allow European investors?
Why has an investment been deemed not appropriate or in my best interest?
Can I still invest if a product is not appropriate for me?
What payment methods does Crowdbase support?
Does it cost anything to invest through Crowdbase?
Can I use multiple payment methods?
Where does my money go to?
How do I get a return on my investment?
Can I cancel my investment and receive a refund?
What do I get when I invest?
What voting rights do I get when I invest?
How do I communicate with the company I invested in?
What is real estate crowdfunding?
Is real estate investing risky?
What are the benefits of investing in real estate?
How do I make a return on my real estate investment?
How is investing in real estate different from investing in startups?
What kind of return can I expect on my real estate investment?
How long should I hold my real estate investment?
Which companies can create a crowdfunding campaign?
What is the minimum crowdfunding amount?
What are the fees for a crowdfunding campaign?
When is crowdfunding appropriate?
Which countries are supported by Crowdbase?
Why is crowdfunding important?
Will the shares be issued in my name?
What will be my percentage ownership in the company?
What is the investment horizon for a startup?
I have already invested in a campaign. Can I increase my investment?